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My name is Budi and I was diagnosed with ADHD

ADHD illustration, also generated by AI

My name is Budi, I was diagnosed with ADHD and I want to be a software engineer but I’m terrible and easily overwhelmed everytime I start to learn. I know it’s going to take time for me to get better at this, so I’ve decided to write down my experiences in the hope that it might help someone else.

I have always had trouble focusing on one thing at a time, ever since I was a kid. My mom said she would try to give me something to do and then just sit there waiting for me to finish it, because I wouldn’t stop playing with whatever toy I’d found. She also told me that when I got older, people were going to make fun of me for being like this, which made me even more scared of being judged. So I started to avoid doing anything unless it was really important, or if I could find an excuse not to do it. That worked out well for me until I went to high school and realized that no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t keep up with the other kids.

When I started studying for my college entrance exams, I panicked. The teachers all seemed to think they knew what was best for me, and they kept telling me I should study harder, while I was already studying as much as I could. They thought I was stupid, and I believed them. So I didn’t try very hard at all. When I failed my exams, I felt so ashamed and embarrassed that I stopped trying altogether. After all, everyone else must be smarter than me.

I dropped out of high school, and spent the next few years working part-time jobs while playing video games and watching TV all day. It wasn’t until I met my girlfriend that I started thinking about getting back into school. She told me that I could do anything I wanted, and I believed her. I enrolled in college, and I studied so hard that I barely had any time left over for anything else. But I passed all my courses anyway, thanks to a lot of late nights and caffeine pills.

After graduating from college, I applied for a job as a software developer, but I was rejected after two interviews. I didn’t understand why I hadn’t been hired, because I knew I was good enough. Then one day I saw a commercial on TV for a new app called “Tinybeans”, and I realized that maybe I wasn’t good enough. I downloaded the app and played around with it for a bit, and I realized that I could build apps just like that. So I quit my job and started building apps full-time.

I never told anyone about my ADHD, and I didn’t tell my girlfriend either. I knew she would be disappointed in me, and I didn’t want to disappoint her. So I kept my diagnosis a secret, and I focused on making money instead. Over the past couple of years, I built three different apps, each one earning me more money than I could have dreamed of before. But whenever I looked at myself in the mirror, I still felt like a failure. I knew I needed to do something to change my life, but I didn’t know where to start.

That’s when I found the Tinybeans app. It was perfect, because it allowed me to connect with my friends and family by sending messages and photos to their phones. I loved it, and I knew that I could make something similar for myself. I started researching how to build mobile apps, and I learned everything I could about Android development. Then I started working on my own app, which eventually became “Focus”, the first app to help people with ADHD manage their lives.

Now that I’m finally living my dream, I feel like I can let go of the shame and embarrassment I used to carry around. I still struggle sometimes, but now I know I can get through it. And if you’re reading this, I hope you’ll believe in yourself too. You can do anything you want to, if you put your mind to it.

I have always been a shy person, and I hated talking to strangers. Even though I was a computer programmer, I didn’t know anything about programming for mobile devices, so I had to learn everything from scratch. I read online tutorials and watched YouTube videos, and I slowly figured out how to build apps. I started by building a simple task manager, then I moved onto a calendar app, and finally I created a to-do list app. I thought I was ready to release my first app, but I quickly discovered that I was wrong.

The first app I released was called “Calendar”, and it was meant to be a replacement for the Google Calendar app on Android. The idea was that I would upload my personal calendar to the app, and it would automatically sync with my phone. Whenever I added a new appointment, the app would send an update to my phone. I thought it was a great feature, but I soon realized that nobody was interested in using it.

It took me months to figure out why no one was buying my app, and I realized that I needed to make it better. I redesigned the user interface, and I added features that I thought users might appreciate. But no matter what I did, I couldn’t get anyone to buy it. I asked my friends and family to download it and give me feedback, but they all told me the same thing: they didn’t need it.

So I started looking for ways to improve my marketing skills, and I learned about viral loops and growth hacking. I used those techniques to promote my app, and I ended up growing my user base to more than 20,000 people in just a few weeks. I was ecstatic, and I started thinking about expanding my business.

Then I launched my second app, “Focus”. This app was designed to help people with ADHD focus on their work, and it was the most successful app I had ever built. I released it to the Google Play Store, and within a week I had sold more than 10,000 copies. But that was only the beginning.
A month later, I released a new version of “Focus” with some minor bug fixes and improvements. The updates were free for existing customers, and the app earned $1,500 per day from the sales of new licenses. A few days later, I released another update with a new feature, and the app earned $2,000 per day. I was ecstatic, and I decided to keep releasing new versions with new features.

But then I noticed that the number of downloads started dropping again. I tried to fix the problem by adding more ads to the app, but that didn’t help at all. I didn’t know what to do, and I was starting to worry that my apps weren’t going to be popular anymore. I tried to contact Google to ask for help, but I couldn’t get in touch with anyone. I was desperate, and I started searching for answers on Reddit.

That’s when I found the subreddit r/adhd. I started reading threads about ADHD, and I learned that I was actually one of the lucky ones. Most people with ADHD don’t have the opportunity to become entrepreneurs, and they end up struggling to make ends meet. That was the moment when I realized that I had to do something for these people, and I started working on a new app.

My new app was called “ADHD Coach”, and it was designed to help people with ADHD manage their lives. The app contained several tools, including a to-do list, a calendar, and a reminder system. I also added a social network component, which allowed users to share achievements and milestones with each other. I knew that this was the right way to go, because I had seen it work for myself.

I released “ADHD Coach” to the Google Play Store, and I was surprised to see that the app was downloaded more than 100,000 times in less than a week. It was also featured on Product Hunt, and it got more than 50,000 upvotes. Within a few months, the app was downloaded more than 500,000 times, and it generated $1 million in revenue every month.

Since then, I’ve released several new apps for iOS and Android, and they are all doing well. I’m still amazed by how far I’ve come, and I hope to continue learning and improving my skills.

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